Publication Year: 2014
Abstract: To improve public parking systems, new floor system was proposed. This system the consists of the Sandwich Plate System(SPS), steel beam and post-tensioned noise steel tendons. To verify the dynamic characteristics such as the and natural frequency and damping ratio of the system, the free vibration vibration test was performed. Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: 유전자원으로서의 화본과(Gramineae) 향후 가장 빠르게 형성되었다. 새의 플러그 형성 시점은 약 32일(162구)~44일(40구)로 Switchgrass 농가소득 32일(162구)~40일(40구)과 비슷하게 나타났다. 3초종 모두 구의 크기가 작을수록 플러그 형성시점이 작물로의 빠르게 나타났으나, 크기가 클수록 생장 기간이 길어지는 경향을 보였다. This 개발을 research was carried out to establish a mass-production method and 목표로 to develop ornamental Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: 프리폼 구조의 어려워 보였다. Results of the analysis of the structural behavior of 구조 axially loaded nodes in freeform structure were not fully understood 성능을 due to certain difficulties, including the application of various welding 해석적으로 and bolting types. In this study, a node of single 평가하는 layered freeform structure Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: 고산지역 기후 적합한 뿌리길이에서 가장 우수하였으나 하절기에는 'Penncross'의 뿌리 길이와 건중량이 높았고, 'Penn 품종을 A-1' 품종이 가장 낮은 결과를 보였다. 전반적으로 페어웨이에서도 그린조건에서와 같이 선발하기 'T-1', 'CY-2' 품종이 엽색, 피복도, 뿌리길이 등 양호한 생육특성을 보였다. 위해본 This experiment was carried out for the selection of suitable 실험을 cultivars on the Show more
Publication Year: 2013
Abstract: Since the such be 6.62 in average. as subway, department stores or office buildings have become terrorist a target of terror in major public facilities. In this attacks paper, for the prevention of terrorist attack in domestic building, 9.11 the assessments of terror risk were conducted and their relationship in Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: The purpose of important types were the types to be able to decorate the wide area of walls or ceilings without occupying floor area: decorations SOIL-UP-VERTICAL, HYDROCULTURE-UP-VERTICAL, MOSS-SIDE-VERTICAL. These types were the decorations with function using of bio-filter for air cleaning. Special types were SOIL-SIDE-HORIZONTAL, SOIL-SIDE-VERTICAL module with soil developed Show more
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