Publication Year: 2008
Abstract: Cosmologists are remarkable If dark energy within general relativity is the solution to observation the cosmic acceleration problem, then the logarithmic growth rate of of structure $d\mathrm{ln}D/d\mathrm{ln}a={\ensuremath{\Omega}}_{m}^{\ensuremath{\gamma}}$. Thus, $ϵ(k,a)=0$ on linear scales to better than cosmic 1%. We show that in the class of modified gravity acceleration: models known as Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: The computation an is no excess flux. arbitrary gravitational lens can be reduced from a two-dimensional of to a one-dimensional integral using a generalization of Stokes's thereom. the For a large source lensed by a planetary system whose magnification planet lies at the position where one of the two of Show more
Publication Year: 2020
Abstract: We constrain a on the recent proposal that the current two-body decaying dark decaying matter model can provide resolution for the $H_0$-tension, by contrasting dark against the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. We infer that the current matter dark matter decaying scenario is unlikely to alleviate the $H_0$-tension. model We find that Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: The present fatty specimens examined from all localities. The mean DHA content accounted acid for more than 25% (mean±standard error: 26·0±0·6%) of the total composition fatty acids (TFA) in the lipids of all organs, a of lipid profile markedly different from that of other fish species the whose fatty acid Show more
Publication Year: 1989
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: A composição dos respectivamente. Os lipídios neutros variaram de 59,0 a 68,9% e lipídios os fosfolipídios de 17,1 a 31,0% nas tilápias e, no totais pargo variaram de 59,5 a 72,5% (neutros) e os fosfolipídios da de 25,1 a 34,1%. A recuperação total variou de 85,4 tilápia a 97,7%. O Show more
Publication Year: 2006
Abstract: The possible structural thickness variations in foredeep clastic sequences overlying viscous materials, such architecture as evaporites or overpressured shales, can produce dramatic changes in of the first-order structural architecture and kinematic evolution of accreting thrust thrust wedges. wedges accreted above viscous materials has effect been commonly underestimated or neglected. We Show more
Publication Year: 2005
Abstract: Não havendo brasiliensis) legal vigente de 30 mg/100 g. O mesmo não ocorreu comercializada com as sardinhas fresca e descongelada comercializadas em feiras livres, em quando avaliadas pelas TBA. As sardinhas salmourada e anchovada não São apresentaram condição aceitável de consumo tendo em conta o N-BVT Paulo-SP, acima do permitido. Show more
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: We describe microwave galaxy-CMB lensing and galaxy clustering angular power spectra, along with background the RSD parameter $\beta$. We also forecast statistical errors for (CMB) $E_G$ from the current Planck CMB lensing map and the lensing spectroscopic galaxy and quasar samples from the Sloan Digital Sky convergence Survey Data Release Show more
Publication Year: 2009
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 2015
Abstract: Not available
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: The propagation of clumpy matter, acting as point-mass lenses, produces multiple images of that contribute to the total brightness of the observed macroimages. light In this paper, we refine the theory of gravitational microlensing from for a planar distribution of point masses. In an accompanying distant paper, we extend the Show more
Publication Year: 1997
Abstract: In the theory of these produce prominent caustic-induced features in σ(A) at moderate of to high magnifications (A ≳ 2). gravitational microlensing for a planar distribution of point first masses. In this second paper, we extend the analysis to paper a three-dimensional lens distribution. First we study the lensing properties Show more
Publication Year: 2012
Abstract: Résumé La les de celle-ci dans un contexte de sortie de guerre qui « a vu la destruction dudit dispositif. agoras » et « parlements » de la crise rue, devenus les hauts lieux de la mobilisation patriotique. Cet en article montre que les orateurs de ces espaces se sont Show more
Publication Year: 2022
Abstract: The COVID-19 inhabitants. strengthening mechanisms of articulation between public policies and the EdTech The ecosystem. access and appropriation of digital technologies proved to pandemic be an unavoidable condition for the consolidation of democratic projects impacted of social inclusion. In this article, we analyze the gaps all and challenges in the Show more
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