Title: The story of Kālaka texts, history, legends, and miniature paintings of the Śvetāmbara Jain hagiographical work, the Kālakācāryakathā
Abstract:Vijaya, two profound scholars of Jain texts, who collected manuscripts for my inspec- tion and photographing at Patan, and Vijaya Nemi Suri, who opened for me his library in Cambay It was not my good ...Vijaya, two profound scholars of Jain texts, who collected manuscripts for my inspec- tion and photographing at Patan, and Vijaya Nemi Suri, who opened for me his library in Cambay It was not my good fortune to meet Vijaya Indra Suri successor to Vijaya Dharma Suri, but my indebtedness to him is heavy.At his suggestion manu- scripts were obtained for me from Agra and, more important, the institute at Shivpuri was thrown open toRead More