Title: A Study on Health Locus of Control and Anxiety of Pregnant Women
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to prepare the basic data for improving anxiety relevant to characteristics of pregnant women. The researcher has examined the degree of anxiety of pregnant women and rela...The purpose of this study is to prepare the basic data for improving anxiety relevant to characteristics of pregnant women. The researcher has examined the degree of anxiety of pregnant women and relationship between the characteristics of Health Locus of Control(HLC) and the anxiety. This research was conducted among 202 pregnant women who visited two obstetric outpatient departments for antenatal care at University hospitals in Seoul and Pusan, from December 1, 1998 to January 10, 1999. The tools used for this study were questionnaire and Wallsston and Wallston's HLC Scale was used for measurement of anxiety. The result of this study was as follows; 1. The mean age was 29 years, proportion of women completed high school was 53.5%, the most and low class was the most, 81.2%, necleas family, the most, 92.1% and the most(70.3%)was the buddist.2. 70.3% had experience of 1-2 pregnancy and 54.0%, the most had 1-2 child, 7-9 month pregnancy is the highest percentage, 66.3% and the most pregnant women(81.2%) was satisfied with their husbands and highest level of 70.8% revealed no change in sexual life compared to before pregnancy.3. Expectant women showed HLC-Internal and low level of anxiety.4. The factors of education and economics related to the intensify of the anxiety significantly.5. The anxiety was affected by relationship with husband, attitude of pregnancy and minor discomfort during pregnancy.It is conducted that the anxiety of pregnant women may be increased due to education, economics, relationship with husband, attitude of pregnancy and minor discomfort during pregnancy.Read More