Title: Zhong Han’s Critique of the New Qing History
Abstract:works and arguments are generally attributed to the so-called "New Qing School" (referred to hereafter as NQS).As a young scholar whose expertise covers archaeology, history, and ethnic studies, Zhong...works and arguments are generally attributed to the so-called "New Qing School" (referred to hereafter as NQS).As a young scholar whose expertise covers archaeology, history, and ethnic studies, Zhong Han 鍾焓 shows in this book an admirable ability in using Chinese, Manchu, and English sources to make his points.In the Introduction, Zhong lays out the basic arguments made by the authors of NQS, and in the following four chapters he discusses, successively, the background from which NQS emerged, how the school constructed its historical issues, why the so-called "simultaneous emperorship" makes no sense, and how to respond to NQS with non-Han Chinese sources.At last, in the Conclusion, Zhong raises an ideological issue, addressing NQS's apparent intermixture of scholarship and politics.Read More