Title: The Characteristics of the Phonetic System of Shigang (Shangping) Dialect in Xinjian District, Nanchang
Abstract:Xinjian District locates in the north of central Jiangxi Province,which belongs to Nanchang Dialect,and it is the representative point of Gan Dialect. Due to it’s geographical location and population ...Xinjian District locates in the north of central Jiangxi Province,which belongs to Nanchang Dialect,and it is the representative point of Gan Dialect. Due to it’s geographical location and population migration, Nanchang Dialect retains the phonetic features of ancient Chinese relatively completely. However, influenced by the popularization of Mandarin in recent decades, it is more difficult to find the authentic Nanchang Dialect. What’s more, some variations in the dialect have arisen. Although the Shigang town(Shangping) Dialect discussed here belongs to the Chang-du group of Gan Dialect and has the common characteristics of the Changdu group, it also has it’s own distinctive features. For example, all voiced initial consonants are pronounced as aspirated stop or affricates, regardless of the level and oblique level; the Secondary voiced consonants [n], [l] are not in accordance with the Mandarin, with plum rhyme missed, and with the high and level tone (the first tone of the four Chinese tones) varied.Read More