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{'id': '', 'doi': '', 'title': 'Mobbing i arbeidslivet og senere helseplager', 'display_name': 'Mobbing i arbeidslivet og senere helseplager', 'publication_year': 2014, 'publication_date': '2014-01-01', 'ids': {'openalex': '', 'doi': '', 'mag': '2183080906', 'pmid': ''}, 'language': 'no', 'primary_location': {'is_oa': True, 'landing_page_url': '', 'pdf_url': '', 'source': {'id': '', 'display_name': 'Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening', 'issn_l': '0029-2001', 'issn': ['0029-2001', '0807-7096'], 'is_oa': True, 'is_in_doaj': True, 'is_core': False, 'host_organization': '', 'host_organization_name': 'Norwegian Medical Association', 'host_organization_lineage': [''], 'host_organization_lineage_names': ['Norwegian Medical Association'], 'type': 'journal'}, 'license': 'cc-by-nd', 'license_id': '', 'version': 'publishedVersion', 'is_accepted': True, 'is_published': True}, 'type': 'review', 'type_crossref': 'journal-article', 'indexed_in': ['crossref', 'pubmed'], 'open_access': {'is_oa': 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