Title: The Impact of Perceived Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction among Academic Staff, Case Study at the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences atThe University of Laghouat
Abstract:This study aims at identifying the effect of perceived organizational justice on job satisfaction among the academic staff at economic, commercial and management sciences faculty of the University of ...This study aims at identifying the effect of perceived organizational justice on job satisfaction among the academic staff at economic, commercial and management sciences faculty of the University of Laghouat. The sample of the study consisted of 53 teachers. The researcher applied some descriptive statistics, multiple linear regressions, correlation coefficients, one way Anova analysis.The results revealed that the proportion of perceived procedural justice was low and less than the distributive and interactional justice. Consequently, the job satisfaction was low, particularly those dimensions of satisfaction with procedures. There is no effect statistically significant of distributive and interactional justice on job satisfaction; but there is a significant effect of procedural justice on job satisfaction. The second major result is the inexistence of significant differences between the averages of organizational justice and job satisfaction according to the variables of gender, experience, academic rank, and department. Finally, the study came up with some recommendations based on results as follows: attempt to change the procedures, pay more attention to other dimensions like: pay, work conditions; reexamine the method of management, and involve teachers in decision-making process.Read More
Publication Year: 2015
Publication Date: 2015-08-03
Language: en
Type: article
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