Abstract:I HAVE just received, through the kindness of M. William Barbey, of Valleyres, Vaud, Switzerland, a copy of his splendid illustrated work, "Herborisations au Levant," 4to., Lausanne, 1882, containing ...I HAVE just received, through the kindness of M. William Barbey, of Valleyres, Vaud, Switzerland, a copy of his splendid illustrated work, "Herborisations au Levant," 4to., Lausanne, 1882, containing the results of a bota.nicalexpedition to the East, made by himself and his brother in 1880.I much regret that I had not the good fortune to see the volume before the" Fauna and Flora of Palestine" went to press.MM.Barbey only give the results of their own and Dr. Lortet's expeditions, but even so their catalogue comprises :38species of phanerogamic plants, 13 of thenl grasses, which escaped my observation, and which must be added to the 3,012 species in my volume.In order that our catalogue may be as complete as pORsible, I trust you will afford space in theRead More